Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2011 St. George Marathon

We no longer have Marathon spots available. If you would like to send an email that indicates that you would like to be an alternate if one of our 5 spots does become available again please do so. I can't guarantee that one will open up, but if it does, they will be sold in first-come first-serve order. Thank you so much for your support!

2011 St. George Marathon

As of right now, we only have 1 Marathon entry remaining. We are selling them for a $750 donation (not including the registration fee).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

2011 Marathon Entry

This year we have been awarded 5 spots in the St. George Marathon. We are askingfor a $750 donation for each spot on a first come- first serve basis. Please know that you will also be responsible for your own entry fee into the Marathon in addition to your $750 donation. Please send an email to washfirerelief@yahoo.com or call 435-632-5042 to verify that you would like a spot, and find out additional information. We will try to be as quick as possible to update this blog with the number of spots we have remaining. Please note that we have a deadline of July 25th, 2011 for all entry forms and money to be recieved.
All money is tax deductable and will be going to help the people of our community in many different ways.

We will also be updating this information on our facebook page: Facebook.com/washington fire relief

Thank you so much for your support!