Monday, August 24, 2009

Washington City Elections

On September 15th Washington City is holding a primary election. Washington Fire and Charitable Relief Organization would like to announce thier support for Lou Balioni for city council.
Lou is married to his lovely wife Karen, and they have four children and four grandchildren. He spent the first 63 years of his life in New York City, where he served two years as a police officer and eight years as a Fire Fighter. He was forced to retire from the fire department due to a line of duty injury. Giving back to the community is a very important part of his personality. In New York City he co-founded a "Fathers Club". Its' purpose was to promote better relationships between fathers and their children. He also donated food to families in need. Here in Washington City he co-founded the Washington Fire Relief and Charitable Organization.
If you would like to read more about Lou check out .
Don't forget to register to vote, if you haven't already, time is running out. There will also be a meet the candidates night at the Washington City Library at Sept 10th at 7pm. You can bring your questions on a 3x5 card.